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SVAKA ČAST Dubrovačke organizatorice daju besplatno vjenčanje iz snova!

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Organizatorice vjenčanja iz dubrovačke agencije ‘Yes I Du’ odlučile su nekome dati vjenčanje iz snova, i to potpuno besplatno. Kako bi trgnule brojne iz trenutno stanja svijesti, ali i pomogle proslaviti ljubav te najljepši dan u životu, na svom su Instagram profilu  organizirale nagradnu igru za elopement, odnosno manje vjenčanje. Njihov paket, nastao u suradnji s odabranim dobavljačima, uključuje romantično mjesto, svečanost, glazbu za ceremoniju, fotografa za ceremoniju, dekoraciju, buket i boutonniere, make up i frizuru. U paketu se nudi i besplatan smještaj u hotelu s pet zvjezdica ‘Dubrovnik President’. Ne treba ni isticati kako je kompletna usluga planiranja vjenčanja – besplatna.

Osim besplatnog smještaja i besplatnog planiranja vjenčanja, sve ostale usluge bit će će također imati sniženu cijenu, 50 posto ili više. Organizatorice su isplanirale i romantičnu večeru za dvije osobe.

– Pobjednik će moći odabrati dva paketa. Paket simbolične ceremonije: 440 eura (vrijednost 3500 eura) ili paket civilne svečanosti: 1140 eura (vrijednost 5200 eura) – ističu organizatorice.

Sva pravila nagradne igre pogledajte u njihovoj objavi na Instagramu.

Foto: DuList / Ilustracija


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It’s FINALLY here! We want to help you celebrate your love NOW, so we are hosting a grand elopement giveaway in collaboration with a selected number of amazing vendors! 👰🏻🤵🏽 – This incredible package includes: 🌲 A romantic venue 🕊 The ceremony 🎻 Music for the ceremony 🎞 Photography for the ceremony + a photosession 💐 Decoration + bouquet & boutonniere 💄 Hair & makeup 💌 A full wedding planning service for FREE 🌴 FREE accommodation at the 5* Dubrovnik President @valamarhotels hotel! – Other than the free accommodation & free wedding planning, all other services come at a highly discounted price, 50% or over. We will plan a romantic dinner for 2 as well. 🥂 There will be two packages for the winner to choose from. Symbolic ceremony package: €440 (VALUE €3500) or the Civil ceremony package: €1140 (VALUE €5200). -❗️WHAT YOU NEED TO DO: 1. Like @yes_i_du_weddings 2. Like this post 3. Tag 2 friends in the post 4. If you want to, share on your story and tag us! You can participate as many times as you want, just make sure to tag different friends. 🧍🏽‍♀️🧍🏼🧍🏻‍♂️🧍🏼‍♀️ – The winner will be chosen randomly next Sunday. We have the whole week to play! 🎲 GOOD LUCK! 🤞🏻 – The giveaway is international and in no way connected with Instagram. Photo: @martinaskrobotphotography #elopementgiveaway #weddinggiveaway #destinationwedding #weddingabroad #dubrovnikwedding #croatiawedding #love #couplegoals #bridetobe #allthingsbridal #coupleshoot #giveaway #brideandgroom #bridetobe #theweddingbliss #elopement #elope #elopementcollective #weddingday #elopementlove #dreamwedding #yesidu #yesido #weddinginspiration #bridestyle #beautifulbride #capturingthelove #happy #weddingswild #junebugwedding #married

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